UNESCO World Heritage experiences

in the four-country region

Heimatmuseum Allensbach

Neolithic finds from the western Lake Constance area with visual panels showing the "Allensbach Strandbad“ excavation.

Foyer Swiss National Bank

During the reconstruction of the Swiss National Bank in 2011, fragments of ceramic vessels, stone and bone implements, a jewelry pendant carved from antlers and animal bones...

Town Museum Meilen

The local history collection covers the pile-dwellers from Meilen, where exploration first began in the 19th century, as well as unique finds recovered from the water well at...
UNESCO Fundstelle Konstanz Hinterhausen © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Konstanz Hinterhausen

The extensive pile field and the spectrum of artifacts discovered point to a comprehensive settlement history on the north shore of Constance harbor, first discovered in...

Roggenburg Monastery

For more than 800 years, the Premonstratensian religious order has lived and worked in Roggenburg where the monastery complex and gardens shimmer in newly renovated splendor....
Dorfmodell der Fundstelle Weier I-III bei Thayngen, Schweiz | © Kantonsarchäologie Schaffhausen


Important site of the so-called Pfyn Culture with three settlement phases. The well-preserved finds provide information on settlement, craft, economy and nutrition.

UNESCO Site Wollmatingen Langenrain

The site was discovered in 1881/82 by D. Nägeli, and shortly thereafter in 1882 he carried out the first excavations together with L. Leiner.
Fischerhütte am Federsee in Oberschwaben

Federsee Museum

The Federsee Museum brings archeology to life. In addition to the exhibition of original finds from the wetland settlements of the Federsee area, there are also 12...

Museum of Archeology Thurgau

Modern presentation of the archaeology of canton Thurgau. Highlights are the most important objects from the UNESCO-world heritage pilde-dwelling-sites.