A journey through time in the four-country region


Lake Constance gardens present the international region of Lake Constance as a gigantic horticultural show. In a small amount of space, the most beautiful parks and manicured gardens ( - similar to historical themed gardens - ) take its visitors on a journey through time.

Selected experiences around Lake Constance gardens

At Lake Constance you can take a journey through the eras of horticulture. Panoramic gardens and parks are a cross-border symbol of the rich history of the region. From the Stone Age, through ancient times and the Middle Ages to the 19th century and beyond to the present; you can experience it all first hand. You don't need to travel vast distance. And if you like, you can simply travel from garden to garden by ship, bus or train.

Aerial photograph of Mainau Island at Lake Constance

Mainau Island

Mainau Island, the botanic garden in Lake Constance, offers nature experiences 365 days a year. The park with a palatial baroque ensemble dating back to the 18th century houses one of Germany´s...

Salem Monastery and Palace at Lake Constance

Salem Monastery and Palace

The former Cistercian abbey and present-day Salem Palace is located in the midst of generous parks and gardens. It came into the possession of the margraves of Baden in 1802 and has belonged to the...

Cathusian Monastery close to Lake Constance

Carthusian Monastery Ittingen

Kartause Ittingen is not only an atmospheric location; it is also one of the region’s cultural highlights. The former monastery houses two museums featuring regional artists, world-class exhibits,...

Selected packages around Lake Constance gardens

Lake Constance gardens: Mainau Island | © Helmuth Scham

Mainau Island - "Once be Mainau gardener ...!"

1 day from 280.00 € per person
Group: 120.00 CHF per group

Further information

Bodenseegärten e. V.
Schloss Arenenberg
8268 Salenstein
Phone +41 58 345 74 27
