UNESCO Fundstelle Konstanz Hinterhausen © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Konstanz Hinterhausen

Constance, Germany

The extensive pile field and the spectrum of artifacts discovered point to a comprehensive settlement history on the north shore of Constance harbor, first discovered in 1859. Of particular import due to their rarity, are the separate finds of the "Goldberg III group" which signifies social contact with Upper Swabia.

Numerous pile structures and house plans are visible with aerial photographs. The site is located in a special topographic location at Rheinfurt near Konstanz and belongs to a group of settlements that controlled Rhine crossings.

The lakeside path overlooks the site with the submerged Frauenpfahl water marker with the white stylized globe.

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Current weather Western Lake Constance

highly cloudy
amount of rainfall
0.7 l/m²
hours of sunshine
0h 18min
the day after tomorrow

Additional information

The Rosgartenmuseum Konstanz exhibits the finds.

Contact address

Closest access point
Mozartstraße 18
78462 Constance

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