Das "Eriskircher Ried", Eriskirch | © Gerhard Kersting

Birdwatching at Lake Constance

Follow the birds

Every year, huge numbers of birds set out on a journey that will take them to warmer climes for the winter. For thousands of these travellers, Lake Constance is an important focal point. The tour starts with a visit in the NABU Wollmatinger Ried Nature Reserve, where you can take part in the birdwatching cruise with the URh and continue with the Mettnau peninsula, where you get to know more about the birds’ habitat. In Radolfzell, you learn about numerous projects of the Max-Planck Institute of Animal Behavior before observing birds in the Bee Marie bee pasture. In the Eriskirch Reed Marsh, the largest nature reserve on the northern shores of Lake Constance, you can experience the particularly impressive phenomenon of the autumn migration. Stay overnight in the little town of Hard and experience the largest wetland around Lake Constance, the Rhine Delta Nature Reserve in Vorarlberg. The next stop is Ruggeler Reed in the Principality of Liechtenstein, where you meet numerous endangered animals. The tour ends with a visit of the “Seetaucherstrecke” between Münsterlingen and Romanshorn, where you can discover a number of black-throated divers.

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Your Lake Constance experience for 7 days

1. "Untersee” & “Wollmatinger Ried" | Germany
The NABU Nature Reserve “Wollmatinger Ried – Untersee – Gnadensee”, extending over an area of 774 ha, is the largest nature reserve on the german shore of Lake Constance. The reserve is home to over 290 different bird species

Experience time: 3-4 hours

2. Birdwatching with the URh* | Switzerland  
Take a trip on a boat of the URh while observing the variety of birds in and around the lake, guided by an expert and equipped with binoculars. This excursion is offered on the German-Swiss-Part of Lake Constance (western part of the region) around the Wollmatinger Ried and the Island of Reichenau. 

Experience time: 1 hour

3. Mettnau Life Path | Germany 
Find out everything you always wanted to know about Lake Constance at the 19 stations around the Markelfinger Winkel. Where do the numerous ducks come from? What did the Ice Age leave behind for us? The 6-km-long nature discovery trail leads from the Mettnau Tower to the “Friends of Nature House” in Markelfingen. 

Experience time: 2-3 hours

4. Max-Planck Institute of Animla Behavior and visitor centre, Radolfzell | Germany
In the Hennhouse, an interactive media room, visitors are given the opportunity, without any need for prior notification, to find out about the different (research) projects of the Max-Planck Institute of Animal Behavior around the world through a selection of films and slide shows.

Experience time: 2-3 hours

5. The “Eriskirch Marsh” | Germany 
The Eriskirch Marsh is the largest nature reserve on the northern shores of Lake Constance. It is a particularly important breeding ground for great crested grebes, gadwalls, black kites and orioles. A footpath runs parallel to the shore leading to two observation platforms that are ideal for birdwatching.

Experience time: 3-4 hours

6. Hotel am See, Hard | Austria
In no time at all, the Hotel am See in Hard brings you closer to the unique character of the Rhine delta nature reserve through special deals that change every month and a specially designed birdwatching app.

Experience time: 0,5-1 day

7. Rhine delta – people and nature in perfect harmony, Fussach, Höchst, Gaißau   | Austria
The most species-rich nature reserve in Vorarlberg provides endangered animals with protection while offering guests the chance to relax and gain valuable insights into the flora and fauna on the shores of Lake Constance.

Experience time: 3-4 hours 

8. Ruggeler “Ried” | Principality of Liechtenstein 
The Ruggeller Nature Reserve is a 90acre gem in the Liechtenstein Rhine Valley. Its fens, ponds, hedgerows, trees and scattered meadows provide an ideal habitat for many endangered animals, birds and plants. The diverse flora and fauna offer the nature lover a wonderful outdoor experience. 

Experience time: 2-3 hours 

9. "Seetaucherstrecke" | Switzerland
While this area does not have protected status, it is nevertheless of national importance for migratory birds and other visitors which spend the winter. This is the perfect place to observe species of birds which prefer to overwinter in deep, nutrient-poor water.

Experience time: 3-4 hours


overnight stays: 6 nights

getting around: The transfer between the different stations can be undertaken with your own car/ coach or by public transport (rail, bus).

Contact address

Internationale Bodensee Tourismus GmbH
Hafenstraße 6
78462 Constance

Tel.: +49 7531 909430
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Special experiences along the Birdwatching Tour

Das "Eriskircher Ried" | © Gerhard Kersting

The Eriskirch Marsh

The Eriskirch Marsh is the biggest nature reserve on the northern shore of Lake Constance. It reaches from Friedrichshafen till Langenargen.

Max-Planck Institut für Ornithologie, Radolfzell

Max-Planck-Institute for Animal Behaviour

Our research goal at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior is to understand the pulse of the planet through the eyes and ears of animals. In mid-2019, the institute in Radolfzell was separated...

NABU - Wollmatinger Marsh

The NABU Nature Reserve „Wollmatinger Marsh“, extending over an area of 774 hectare, is the largest nature reserve on the German shore of Lake Constance.

Birdwatching in Rhine Delta, Vorarlberg

One of the best birding sites Austria has to offer is the Rhine Delta in the westernmost state of Vorarlberg, on the shores of Lake Constance.