UNESCO Sites: Prehistoric Pile Dwellings

Overview UNESCO Sites around Lake Constance

UNESCO Site Nussbaumersee

Neolithic and late Bronze Age (around 800 BC) pile-dwellings. Excavations in the 1990ies and research brought interesting results about architecture, economy, environnment...
UNESCO Fundstelle Unteruhldingen-Stollenwiesen © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Unteruhldingen-Stollenwiesen

The station discovered around 1864 lies immediately before the local situation of Unteruhldingen and extends south of the Ostmole. It lies on a alluvial cone of the Seefeld...

UNESCO Site Vorder Au

The site was discovered in 1996 and is characterized by richly decorated Early Bronze Age pottery and numerous pile footings.
Holzschale © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Allensbach Strandbad

Customs Inspector Dehoff discovers the site in 1861. The multi-phase young and end Neolithic settlement area is located in the area of ​​camping and bathing place under...

UNESCO Site Insel Werd

In the 1930s excavated island settlement. Fund layers from the Neolithic and Bronze Age. Idyllic situated on the Rhine island in front of the medieval town of Stein am Rhein.
Luftbild von der Fundstelle Feldbach-Ost

UNESCO Site Feldbach

This site was discovered in 1864, spanning the entire bay between Feldbach and Kempraten. Here we have unearthed four Neolithic phases of Cortaillod, Pfyn, Horgen as well as...

UNESCO sites Geltendorf Unfriedshausen

The Neolithic settlement of Unfriedshausen is situated in the valley of Loosbach brook and a close neighbour of the Neolithic village of Pestenacker. At Unfriedshausen...
UNESCO Fundstelle Wangen-Hinterhorn © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Wangen-Hinterhorn

The UNESCO Site Wangen-Hinterhorn was discovered in 1856 by Kaspar Löhle, councilor and small farmer from Wangen, as the first prehistoric lakeside settlement in the shallow...

UNESCO Site Storen Wildsberg

A large settlement with evidence of Pfyn, late Horgen and Corded Ceramic cultures. The dig site contained imported flint and copper finds.