inatura - Dornbirn nature show experience

Dornbirn, Austria

Nature, humans and technology

The inatura in the Lake Constance region of Vorarlberg has something for everyone. And in a very special way. Because the focus here is on trying things out, experiencing and understanding.

Touching desired

inatura is a unique museum concept that interactively introduces visitors to exciting topics and makes research, science and technology “tangible”.

Visitors learn about specific topics in a playful way through numerous experiments, illustrative objects, films and pictures.

Current special exhibitions, a restaurant, playground and the city park make a trip to inatura family and group-friendly.

Pictures & Videos

Current weather Bodensee-Vorarlberg

rain shower
amount of rainfall
11.7 l/m²
hours of sunshine
0h 12min
the day after tomorrow

Opening hours

Open daily 10 am - 6 pm
Detailed opening hours at

Recommended time
180 Minutes
13.40 €

Bodensee Card PLUS
One-time free admission with the Bodensee Card PLUS

6.70 €

Bodensee Card PLUS
One-time free admission with the Bodensee Card PLUS

Contact address

inatura - Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn
Jahngasse 9
6850 Dornbirn

Tel.: +43 5572 232350
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