Excursions in Thurgau Bodensee

Museum of Archeology Thurgau

Modern presentation of the archaeology of canton Thurgau. Highlights are the most important objects from the UNESCO-world heritage pilde-dwelling-sites.
Campsite Ruderbaum | © Camping Ruderbaum

Camping Ruderbaum

Cathusian Monastery close to Lake Constance

Carthusian Monastery Ittingen

Kartause Ittingen is not only an atmospheric location; it is also one of the region’s cultural highlights. The former monastery houses two museums featuring regional...

UNESCO Site Nussbaumersee

Neolithic and late Bronze Age (around 800 BC) pile-dwellings. Excavations in the 1990ies and research brought interesting results about architecture, economy, environnment...

UNESCO Site Egelsee

The Neolithic site (around 3660 BC) was excavated during 1962. Several well preserved ground layers of wooden houses were found. The dwelling is well known for its fantastic...
© Peter Allgaier

Lake Constance ferry Friedrichshafen—Romanshorn

The most beautiful connection between the German and the Swiss shore of Lake Constance is the ferry that runs between Friedrichshafen and Romanshorn. The 41-minute crossing...
Altstadt Arbon

Guided tour of Arbon old town

Take a guided tour through Arbon and discover the historic town from Roman times to the present. You will see Arbour Felix, the Roman fort built AD 280, the catholic church...

UNESCO Site Bleiche 2 & 3

The Neolithic (3384-3370 BC) and Bronze Age (around 1650 BC) pile-dwellings were discovered 1944 during drainage-work. The archaeological layers are extremly well preserved....
MS München on Lake Constance

Passenger ships

A light breeze that strokes your face, rays of sunshine on the water and the scent of summer in the air: That is the Lake Constance Feeling. The best time on Lake Constance...