Excursion destinations in Schaffhauserland

MS München on Lake Constance

Passenger ships

A light breeze that strokes your face, rays of sunshine on the water and the scent of summer in the air: That is the Lake Constance Feeling. The best time on Lake Constance...
Dorfmodell der Fundstelle Weier I-III bei Thayngen, Schweiz | © Kantonsarchäologie Schaffhausen


Important site of the so-called Pfyn Culture with three settlement phases. The well-preserved finds provide information on settlement, craft, economy and nutrition.
© Switzerland Tourism / Andre Meier

Guided tour of Schaffhausen

Explore the medieval city of Schaffhausen, “the city of bay windows”, on a guided walk. Our guides will take you to some of our highlights like the magnificent house, the...
Aerial view of camping Manser | © Camping Manser

Camping Manser