Excursion destinations on the German shore

Hotel im Winkel

Hagnauer Weinprobe

Wine tasting in Hagnau

The classic wine tasting to get to know the "Winzerverein Hagnau" and its wines. The sun wraps the landscape in a golden glow. The lake sparkles and reflects its rays onto...
Auto- und Traktormuseum Uhldingen am Bodensee

Car & Tractor Museum

350 classic cars, rare motorcycles and collectible tractors belong to a colorful collection that depicts 100 years of German country and city life. Explore the tools,...
Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen | © Pfahlbaumuseum Freilichtmuseum und Forschungsinstitut

Lake Dwelling Museum Unteruhldingen

Welcome to the pile dwellings in Unteruhldingen, one of Europe’s largest and oldest open-air archaeological museums. The 23 reconstructions of pile dwellings from the...
Limpach in the Deggenhausertal close to Lake Constance

Tourist information office Deggenhausertal

Turmbesteigung Schloss Montfort Langenargen

Montfort Castle – ascent of the tower

The tower of Langenargen’s landmark affords a fascinating view of the lake, Alps and historic town with its picturesque harbour. Linger awhile on the sun terrace of the...