Excursion destinations in Winter

Museum in the Kornhaus (Granary)

Interactive exhibition with numerous replicas relating to the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps."

Department of Underwater Archeology Zurich

Features three showcases with information on underwater archeology and dendrochronology.
Museum Ravensburger

Museum Ravensburger

How does a game come into being? Why does one piece of a jigsaw always fit exactly into another? How is a book made? In the Museum Ravensburger, take an interactive journey...
Seilbahn Hoher Kasten in der Nähe des Bodensees

Hoher Kasten cableway

On Eastern Switzerland's panoramic mountain, you can enjoy special summit experiences with boundless views, culinary highlights and extensive hikes. In just eight minutes,...
Familienführung in der Oberstadt Stockach | © Stadt Stockach

Family tour through the historic upper town of Stockach

Why is Stockach divided into an upper and lower town? What did Stockach look like in the past? And who was this Hans-Kuony? You will learn all this and much more on a...
Stadtmuseum Dornbirn

Dornbirn Town Museum

Dornbirn Town Museum is located in a 200-year old patrician home directly on the Marktplatz and curates a public collection about the history of Dornbirn. Three floors...


The Middle Ages lives in the heart of Constance. The former butchers’ guild house of 1454 contains unique and faithfully preserved halls, rooms and works of art from the...
Kunstmuseum Ravensburg

Art museum Ravensburg

The Ravensburg Art Museum was awar- ded the German architecture prize 2013 and was named “Museum of the Year 2015” by the International Asso- ciation of Arts Critics...
Gut Hügle corn maze in Ravensburg close to Lake Constance

Gut Hügle - adventure farm

Pure fun indoors and outdoors in all weathers in the adventure farm! Set off on a tour of discovery in the maize maze and solve the tricky puzzles. Afterwards you can let off...