Excursion destinations in Winter

Mohren World of Beer

In the "Mohren World of Beer", immerse yourself in an enthralling experience covering more than 700 m² and exploring all aspects of beer. Enjoy an interactive and multimedia...
Stadtführung Radolfzell

Guided tour of Radolfzell

Join a tour following the trail of “Radolf” Dating back almost 1,200 years, Radolfzell am Bodensee is one of the oldest settlements in the Lake Constance area. In 826,...

Archaeological Window Opéra Parking Garage

A small exhibition with finds and films about the excavations in the parking garage Opéra in Zurich.

KrippenWelt Museum

Switzerland's first and only crèche museum offers more than 600 nativity scenes from around the world. Our cozy bistro with its beautiful courtyard invites you to linger and...
Erwin Hymer Museum

Erwin Hymer Museum

Take an interactive and multimedia journey through the cultural and technical history of travel covering more than 6,000 square meters! More than 80 historic vehicles can be...
Pfahlbauausstellung Sipplingen Funde | © Tourist-Information Sipplingen

Stilt Construction Exhibition Sipplingen

The small permanent exhibition features artifacts from the sites around Sipplingen, a pile dwelling model, and finds from the Regenscheid collection.

UNESCO site Weil Pestenacker

The Neolithic settlement of Pestenacker was discovered in the course of straightening Loosbach brook in 1934. From 1988 to 1993 and 2000 to 2004 large-scale excavations were...
Stadtführung am Hafen von Konsanz mit Blick auf die Imperia | © MTK Leo Leister

Guided tour of Constance

Anecdotes, well-kept secrets and interesting facts: embark on an exciting journey through time with the informative and amusing tours of the largest city on Lake Constance,...
Kunsthaus Bregenz Fotograf  Matthias Weissengruber | ©  Kunsthaus Bregenz

Kunsthaus Bregenz

KUB is a luminescent body of glass panelling, steel and concrete. When it opened in 1997, the minimalist design by world-famous Swiss architect Peter Zumthor turned heads....