Excursion destinations in Winter

Anbetung der Könige, Krippe von Antonio Pigozzi

Nativity Scene Museum, Dornbirn

The Museum is located in a 150-year-old stable at the mouth of the Rappenloch gorge. Visitors can admire some 180 cribs and crib figurines from around the world. In addition...
Skulpturengarten | © Würth Haus Rorschach Thomas Haub

Forum Würth Rorschach

With its combination of art, architecture and enjoyment, Würth Haus Rorschach is a unique interactive experience for the whole family. The Forum Würth Rorschach is the...

Hotel Viva Sky ”Love in Wintertime“

1 night’s accommodation in the Skyroom Superior (Africa, India, Lake Constance, Cambodia), “morning star” buffet breakfast over the roofs of Constance. Romantically...
Festungsruine Hohentwiel aus der Luft

Hohentwiel Fortress ruins

Hohentwiel is one of Germany ́s largest fortress ruins and is a place of enchanted grandeur. The fortress imposing ramparts and casemates, its fallen towers and defiant...
EIngang Appenzeller® Schaukäserei

Appenzeller show dairy

Here in the Appenzell show dairy is where the famous Appenzeller® cheese is made. Take a peak over the cheese makers’ shoulders right into the cheese vats. Will you reveal...
Adventsfahrten ab Konstanz und Lindau

Advent cruises from Constance and Lindau

The BSB help their guests get into the Christmas spirit with relaxed cruises across the wintry lake. A boat trip is the most beautiful way to discover Lake Constance, even in...
Kulturhaus Obere Stube | © Foto Roberta Fele

Kulturhaus Obere Stube

Historical exhibitions, contemporary art and a varied program of events can be experienced at the Kulturhaus Obere Stube in Stein am Rhein.
Liechtenstein Marketing

Liechtenstein souvenir stamp

The “Liechtenstein souvenir stamp” is especially popular for guests who are visiting the Pricipality of Liechtenstein. The Principality of Liechtenstein is well worth a...
Auto- und Traktormuseum Uhldingen am Bodensee

Car & Tractor Museum

350 classic cars, rare motorcycles and collectible tractors belong to a colorful collection that depicts 100 years of German country and city life. Explore the tools,...