Excursion destinations in Summer

© MB Events & Adventures

Canoe Rental Lake Constance (4-person canoe)

Would you like to explore Lake Constance on your own and be completely flexible on your canoe tour? No problem, at our locations in Moos as well as at the beach in Iznang we...
Seilbahn Hoher Kasten in der Nähe des Bodensees

Hoher Kasten cableway

On Eastern Switzerland's panoramic mountain, you can enjoy special summit experiences with boundless views, culinary highlights and extensive hikes. In just eight minutes,...
Situated on River Rhine | © Camping Wagenhausen

Camping Wagenhausen

This campsite in Switzerland’s Thurgau canton is located on the beautiful Rhine River in the heart of nature. The diverse and modern infrastructure offers guests an...

Mohren World of Beer

In the "Mohren World of Beer", immerse yourself in an enthralling experience covering more than 700 m² and exploring all aspects of beer. Enjoy an interactive and multimedia...
Fachwerkführung Pfullendorf

Guided tours for individual travelers Pfullendorf

Get to know the former Free Imperial City of Pfullendorf with its beautiful timber-framed houses, historic buildings and sandstone cellars on one of the public guided tours.
Schloss Achberg  | © © Anja Koehler

Achberg Castle

This baroque pearl in the forest was built by the Order of the Teutonic Knights, tucked away between Wangen in the Allgäu region and Lindau at Lake Constance. The fancy...

KrippenWelt Museum

Switzerland's first and only crèche museum offers more than 600 nativity scenes from around the world. Our cozy bistro with its beautiful courtyard invites you to linger and...
Campsite Klausenhorn | © MTK/Dagmar Schwelle

Campsite Klausenhorn

Campingplatz Klausenhorn combines wonderful cultural landscapes and nature conservation areas with an exciting programme of activities for the whole family.
Höhrenberg at Allensbach

A guided tour through Allensbach

“Von Gnadenglöckchen, Leidenschaften und Rechenspielen, ...” (Of bells calling for mercy, passions and number games, ...) Learn about Allenbach’s history and...