Map of Lake Constance

Limitless adventure

Hotel Meschenmoser

Campsite Ruderbaum | © Camping Ruderbaum

Camping Ruderbaum

Roggenburg Monastery

For more than 800 years, the Premonstratensian religious order has lived and worked in Roggenburg where the monastery complex and gardens shimmer in newly renovated splendor....

KrippenWelt Museum

Switzerland's first and only crèche museum offers more than 600 nativity scenes from around the world. Our cozy bistro with its beautiful courtyard invites you to linger and...
Stadtführung Ravensburg

“Ravensburg city history” guided tour

Ravensburg is one of the attractive, particularly well-maintained historic cities of southern Germany. As an imperial city and headquarters of the Ravensburg trading company,...

UNESCO Site Vorder Au

The site was discovered in 1996 and is characterized by richly decorated Early Bronze Age pottery and numerous pile footings.
MS München on Lake Constance

Passenger ships

A light breeze that strokes your face, rays of sunshine on the water and the scent of summer in the air: That is the Lake Constance Feeling. The best time on Lake Constance...
Birdwatching auf dem Wasser

Birdwatching on board

The Schweizerische Schifffahrtsgesellschaft Untersee und Rhein (URh) offers a wide range of services along the Rhine river landscape, which counts to one of the most...
Hagnau at Lake Constance

(Group) Hotels at the German shore of Lake Constance

Here you can find an overview of all relevant group hotels at the German shore of Lake Constance. In case you need more information or further assistance, please contact the...