
Spiritual museums and exhibitions around Lake Constance


The Middle Ages lives in the heart of Constance. The former butchers’ guild house of 1454 contains unique and faithfully preserved halls, rooms and works of art from the...
Neues Schloss Meersburg

Meersburg New Palace

The New Palace crowns the city silhouette of Meersburg high above Lake Constance. The representative residence of the Prince-Bishops began to be built in 1710 and since then...
Bibelgalerie Meersburg

Meersburg Bible Gallery

This bible museum explores the world of bibles in art, history, contemporary culture and everyday life. Entertaining and informative for all ages, our interactive exhibits...
Campus Galli – Karolingische Klosterstadt Meßkirch

Campus Galli – the medieval construction site

Visit the construction site! More than 1,200 years ago, monks on Reichenau Island drew up the perfect plan for a monastery. In addition to a large church, the plan also...
Cathusian Monastery close to Lake Constance

Carthusian Monastery Ittingen

Kartause Ittingen is not only an atmospheric location; it is also one of the region’s cultural highlights. The former monastery houses two museums featuring regional...
Museum Reichenau | © Museum Reichenau, Ulrike Klumpp

Reichenau Museum

Visitors to the monastic UNESCO island learn about the cultural and historical significance of Reichenau in three separate museums. Together with the three Romanesque...