Excursion destinations

with the Bodensee Card PLUS you get one time free admission to these attractions
Stadtführung Ravensburg

“Women of Ravensburg” guided tour

During a walk through the old town, the history of the Ravensburger women from the Middle Ages to the 20th century comes alive: Learn about pious monastery women,...

Guided tour of the Zeppelin Town

Friedrichshafen stands for pioneering spirit and lively culture. Join us on a journey through its history. Our guides tell of times full of aspirational mindset and hidden...
MÜHLENWEGMUSEUM, Allensbach at Lake Constance

MühlenwegMuseum Allensbach

Businessman Fritz Mühlenweg (1898– 1961) joined Sven Hedin’s last expedition to eastern Asia in 1927 as accounting officer, and travelled through Mongolia three times...
Töffli-Tour 2 | © © Abenteuer-Zeitreisen TOPAZ GmbH

Moped tour in the Appenzellerland

"Töfflibuebe" feeling like in your best youthful days! Chug through the countryside at an impressive speed of 25 km/h: we have put together the most beautiful 44 kilometres...
Stadtführung am Hafen von Konsanz mit Blick auf die Imperia | © MTK Leo Leister

Guided tour of Constance

Anecdotes, well-kept secrets and interesting facts: embark on an exciting journey through time with the informative and amusing tours of the largest city on Lake Constance,...
Appenzeller Volkskunde-Museum Stein

Appenzell Folklore Museum

Housed in a quaint mountain hut, you can watch a cheese-maker, a weaver and an embroiderer working at their craft using original equipment and machines. At 2 pm on every...
MS München on Lake Constance

Passenger ships

A light breeze that strokes your face, rays of sunshine on the water and the scent of summer in the air: That is the Lake Constance Feeling. The best time on Lake Constance...
Stadtmuseum Dornbirn

Dornbirn Town Museum

Dornbirn Town Museum is located in a 200-year old patrician home directly on the Marktplatz and curates a public collection about the history of Dornbirn. Three floors...
© Switzerland Tourism / Andre Meier

Guided tour of Schaffhausen

Explore the medieval city of Schaffhausen, “the city of bay windows”, on a guided walk. Our guides will take you to some of our highlights like the magnificent house, the...